Contact me to rent the studio for your event!
Ashtanga yoga immersion
Chiara Cova e Martina Cova
18-23 Novembre 2024
5 Mysore
1 led class
4 workshops
prezzo: 350.- €

Liz Carrasquel
Diciembre 6 - 9, 2024
Inmersión de Ashtanga Yoga
La práctica de Ashtanga Yoga como una invitación al auto descubrimiento y comprensión de nuestro mundo interno.
-Cada mañana tendremos práctica estilo Mysore, no es necesario tener experiencia previa.
Talleres por la tarde:
Viernes 6:
Yoga Sutras de Patanjali y chanting Desde una mirada humana y práctica, exploraremos las raíces del Ashtanga Yoga. Contextualizando a nuestra realidad la sabiduría ancestral de éste texto tradicional. Meditación grupal para cerrar.
Domingo 8:
Taller de balance de brazos
Construiremos gradualmente las bases simples, tanto mentales como físicas para acercarnos a sentir confianza para movernos sobre las manos. Observaremos curiosamente lo que se despierta internamente con estas asanas para canalizarlo y entendernos mejor.
Sábado 7:
Taller de arcos
Exploraremos la mecánica para realizar posturas en arco sintiéndonos cómodos y seguros para movilizar el cuerpo emocional y energético, dando espacio a la vulnerabilidad para la liberación y la sanación.
-4 clases estilo Mysore 25€ c/u
-3 talleres por la tarde 30€ c/u
Inmersión completa 180€
Intensivo di Yoga
con Gabriele Musetti
12-15 Dicembre 2024
In questi 3 giorni praticheremo e analizzeremo lo yoga come un equilibrio di queste 3 qualità.
Condivideremo 3 pratiche di Mysore la mattina e 4 workshop in cui verranno approfonditi diversi aspetti e funzioni del corpo nella pratica: mobilità delle anche, estensioni e archi, handstand e posizioni di forza.
Ci sarà anche un' introduzione teorica alla Bhagavad Gita sul tema “Lo yoga e l’arte dell’agire” tenuta da Valentina.
Costo totale del workshop 230 euro
Per l’iscrizione è necessario versare un acconto non rimborsabile di 70 euro tramite Paypal a Valentina valenparmi@gmail.com

events 2025.
Petri Räisänen
February 18-23, 2025
Ashtanga yoga

Photo credit: @alexander_berg
Full Workshop Price:
380.- €
Drop-in class:
40.- €
Morning class only:
Morning Schedule:
5 Mysore Sessions, 1 Led Class
First morning practice is on the 18th, last practice on the 23rd
Afternoon Schedule:
4 Workshops:
Presentation of an inclusive approach to Ashtanga yoga practice: how the asana of the Primary and Intermediate Sequence can be modified to create a sustainable routine.
Adjustment for a safe practice: foundamental asana or variation of Primary and Intermediate series
-Self Healing: theory and practical self healing teqniques to overcome tension, pain, trauma and stiffness. Petri will explain his approach to the traditional Finnish Healing Method and how to apply it on our own bodies.
This workshop will end with a guided and deep relaxing rest.
-Pranayama and Meditation: This workshop is to explore the traditional pranayama exercise from the scriptures and from the Yoga Parampara.
Second Part: Petri will read Mantras to connect with our compassion toward all the beings. Meditation session.
-Q/A session
Second Part: What is Ahimsa and how to bring it into practice in an aggressive and violent society, how to use ancient values to create a better environment inside and outside of us.
Meditation session.
Valentina will do a donation-based workshop about mythology and narrative in ancient India.
Kirtan session.
We will go out all together for dinner the night of the 22nd.

“YogaVolt" Shala is a project that aims to connect teachers and students to share their knowledge, energy and wisdom in order to recharge our spiritual battery.
The shala is located in the north area of Fuerteventura, close by an old vulcano, in the Atlantic Ocean where the elements alchemy represents a unique synergy of water, wind, fire and earth.
In this place the ancient practice of yoga can be experienced like in the past, away from chaos, in connection with nature and the true Self.

Valentina Parmigiani -Vaishnava Ananda Dasi-
Valentina is the founder of YogaVolt.
She began to practice yoga in 2005 during her study of Indian Philosophy at the University of Bologna.
After exploring different styles in Italy and India, she became a Jivamukti teacher in 2014.
In 2012 she started Ashtanga Yoga following Matthew Sweeney and became a teacher in 2016; in love with the practice she never quit.
Valentina met Petri Räisänen in 2017. Since then she is his regular student, continues to travel and to live between the island, Italy and India to keep on learning from her mentors.
Her yoga path has the foundation in her Bhakti practice, she studies Bhagavad Gita at “Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta”, as a a member of the Vaishnava tradition, under the guide of her spiritual master Marco Ferrini (Matsya Avatar Prabhu).

Are you interested in the studio for your own events? Contact us for info about dates and prices...
Private and group classes available